
The abstract idea of reducing waste can be very tiring and overwhelming; but don’t look too far – the place to start is right where you are – at home, your home, yes. Examples include: shopping less – if you do not need it, do not buy it – only buying what you need. Buying staples e.g cooking oil in large containers that can be repurposed for other uses in the house. Cook better, if the food is great, the family will eat it. Check out healthy recipes and food waste tips at

The numerous plastics around the house has become a major source of concern, these plastics sneak into our homes mostly through shopping, take away, dining out, pre-packed fruit and vegetables, bottled water and more. Here are some quick tips that we can all try to use to reduce plastics:

  • Take your own reusable shopping bags instead being offered the shop plastic bags
  • Take a reusable cup for take-way coffee
  • Use bar soap instead of liquid soaps in plastic containers
  • Consume less soda or soft drinks; they are not that good for you anyway
  • Avoid or reduce bottled water, carry your own water bottle and refill
  • Avoid pre-packed fruits and vegetables
  • Buy dried foods (e.g grains, nuts, spices) in bulk rather than packaged in plastic containers
  • Avoid or reduce pre-packed meat  or fish
  • Refuse straws with dine-in drinks, take away drinks or drinks at home. If you need to use straw, use the re-usable straws
  • Shop at farmers markets to avoid small stores to avoid packaging
  • Prepare lunch boxes without the plastic wrap
  • Keep left-overs in containers/reusables to avoid plastic wrap
  • Pick up litter  in public places
  • Scoop or use bio-degradable bags for pet droppings
  • Reusing ice pails as cookie jars and storage for homemade yoghurt
  • Baking homemade bread
  • Gardening
And many more.

How have you been reducing waste at home?


So many things we use at home actually can be used over and over again. The whole idea of reuse is to keep using items as long as they are useful or functional. 

How do you reuse stuff today?


We’ve all probably learnt about the 1000 reasons why we should recycle from our elementary schools days. We’ve been told that it is good for our environment,  reduces the amount of landfill gas which is a major contributor to green house gas emissions; and all of those good jaaz. 

The question is – do you recycle? 


Through composting, we can turn food waste and kitchen scrap to awesome soil conditioners and nutrients for our plants to grow.

Join The Conversation

Let’s talk about how we can make a difference in our neighbourhoods no matter where we live in the world. I am a Master Composter Recycler (I know it’s a mouthful – lol), a sustainability enthusiast – and I desire to make a difference in the environment no matter how little. I work with a team of very knowledgeable people, and we do not have all the answers. But I believe if we keep talking about these issues, we may be able to make some changes and may be leave the environment a better place than we met it.
We can all make a difference.